Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Worth of Dates

The date palm is the most enduring symbol of the Sultanate's rich heritage, alongside the trusty camel, the vitalising falaj and other long-cherished aspects of traditional Omani life. It has been the main wealth of people in past generations, the fruit serving as a source of daily nourishment, with the branches and the tree trunk proving valuable in the creation of a great many things that have been an integral part of the Omani home and household. (

See other W's on
ABC Wednesday   Round 10   letter W- worth


  1. I had forgotten that dates were a sign of WEALTH!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. So interesting, I've never seen a picture of them on the vine.

  3. A whole lot of dates!

    Whipper Snapper
    Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

  4. Hello
    Whenever I see dates, I always think of my mom...she loves them. Thanks for sharing.

    The Warm Fingers Of Love
